Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Daily Work Goal #3 For 2012

Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday! Do you have the Mid Week Blues? I am trusting that your answer is "No Way Kevin!" This morning I pulled into a parking spot and the person who pulled into a parking spot on my left got out of their car and said the following: "You sure parked with a lot of space on your right side. Maybe next time it should be the left side you focus on." I could have let that bother me, but instead I decided to try and bring a little humor into the situation, so I decided to respond with this statement: "Well, I noticed you are pretty skinny, so I didn't think you needed too much room to get out of your vehicle, and I don't know the other person I parked by, so I may have blessed them with a little extra room." She laughed, I laughed, and the entire situation was a motivator for the morning. I call this bringing a little "LOL (laugh out loud)" to the mid week. Wednesday should be a day that we focus on bringing a little "LOL" to the day. Let's admit it. We have all been working hard to get our week off to a good start, and mid week is usually a time where the weekend starts to look pretty good. Unless you are in retail Ha Ha! As Wednesday rolls around this year, don't forget to bring the "LOL!" Laugh a little, and if it is possible, make someone else laugh too!

Key Verse: Proverbs 15:23 "A man finds joy in giving an apt reply - and how good is a timely word."


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