Friday, May 29, 2009

Uh Oh!! Summer's Here!

Nothing like 3 months of warm sunny weather. Time to get your volleyball on, get your tan on, and chill, RIGHT? I know a ton of people who go on major cruise control over the summer and then have a ton of "I wish I would have..." and a ton of "I wish I wouldn't have..." moments logged in their minds. So Check This Out -

Newton's first law of motion states that an object in motion tends to remain in motion, and an object at rest tends to remain at rest. This law applies to us. Some of us are naturally full of ambition and drive to complete goals and projects, and some of us are apathetic, requiring motivation to overcome inertia.

I want to encourage both groups of people by saying this - "Your Ambition To Persevere In Diligence This Summer Will Be Rewarded."

The Bible says it like this in Galatians 6:9 - Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

So there you have it! Take the thought of going on "Cruise Control" over the summer and throw it in the garbage. Instead, get TOTALLY AMPED to do great things over the summer season.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Great Mark Batterson Blog Post

One dimension of the journey toward authentic leadership is finding your voice. In other words, finding your niche, your groove, your unique contribution to the kingdom. I think many of us start out parroting others.

We sound like someone else. Over time, however, we find our preaching voice or writing voice. As a person goes through puberty, the voice deepens as the voice box enlarges. I think leadership is like that. The longer you lead the deeper your voice gets. Think of it as gravitas.One part of finding your voice is identifying your life themes.

C.S. Lewis said, "Every life is comprised of a few themes." Over time you identify those unique God-given convictions that drive you. For example, there are ways of doing church that no one has thought of yet. That is one of my themes. A life theme isn't something you know. It's something you ooze out of your pores. It's not something you define. It's something that defines you. It's more than head-knowledge. It's a gut-conviction.

Another part of finding your voice is getting out of your comfort zone and getting into your confidence zone where you have the courage to say some things that you know might step on some toes. If you want to see people dance, you've got to shoot bullets at their feet every now and then! Finding your voice is having the courage to offend. It is saying some things that you know will cause people to say, "You didn't just say that." To which we respond, "Oh yes I did."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Some John Maxwell Pointers

I have been reading a book titled The 360 Degree Leader by John Maxwell, and here are a couple things that I found were awesome in this book -

In your organization, or church become a "Go To Person."

1. Go To Players Produce When the Pressure Is On.
2. Go To Players Produce When The Resources Are Few.
3. Go To Players Produce When The Momentum Is Low.
4. Go To Players Produce When The Load Is Heavy.
5. Go To Players Produce When The Leader Is Absent.
6. Go To Players Produce When The Time Is Limited.

So there you have it. I think that if we become "GO TO" people, our organizations/churches will be absolutely thrilled. Being a "GO TO" person is an amazing opportunity, don't miss out!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You, Me, & The Mona Lisa

I am reading a great book authored by Don Cousins. In it there is a great thought I want to share with you -

The Mona Lisa is considered priceless. What makes her so valuable? The Answer: "She was painted by Leondardo da Vinci." The painting itself wasn't so special; the person who created it was special.

Ephesians 2:10 says; For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. "If the painting is priceless - an inanimate object hanging on a wall created by a man who's been dead five hundred years, what does that say for your value, as a living work of art created by the living God?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hold The Hand Of The Father

When I was young my mom and dad would take my sister and I to the mall every once in a while. It was a pretty big place in the eyes of a 5 year old. There we were going in and out of all the different stores. I remember reaching up and grabbing the hand of who I thought at the time was my dad. As I walked out of the store I remember looking up and realizing I had grabbed the hand of the wrong person, A PERFECT STRANGER, and it was instantaneous freak out mode for my little five year old mind. I was looking for my REAL FATHER and when I saw him, I ran to him and grabbed his hand... what a relief!

This story means a ton to me right now because God is calling us to rise up and do some big things. We have to be careful not to grab the hands of the wrong people, we need reach for the hand of our REAL FATHER, GOD HIMSELF, and take great comfort in knowing that he will guide us. Hold The Hand Of The Father this week, let him guide you through the big plans He has for your life, don't be afraid if you are feeling so small in the grand scheme of what you believe God is calling you to do, you will be led if you Hold The Hand Of The Father.