Sunday, October 24, 2010


We just finished up our series on forgiveness. It has been an awesome two weeks at CityPoint Church. Here are a couple of key points to remember this week:

1. Forgive, even if the offender does not ask to be forgiven. Quit waiting around for the person who hurt you to come to you and tell you exactly what you think you need to hear in order to forgive them. There is a chance they will never be a big enough person to ask you for your forgiveness.

2. Treat those who injured or offended you with kindness, not harboring any grudge or speaking of that individual in a condemning way. (This Is A Tough One)

Romans 2:4 (NLT)
Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Cant’ you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?

I love this verse because at its core it says; “If you are willing to treat your offender with kindness, you could actually be pointing them toward God. Kindness goes a long way.

3. If the opportunity presents itself, do something good for the person who hurt or offended you.

There ya go! A couple of great things to keep in mind for the week!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Worth Reading

Wow!!! Feels great to have a moment to write again! There has been so many awesome things going on that it would take a long time to update on all that has happened over the last month, but the biggest thing is the launching of CITYPOINT CHURCH. We have had such an incredible time since our very first preview service. I wanted to take a minute and give a quick spill on one of my favorite talks we have done at CITYPOINT. Here are five things I think we can work on if we call ourselves Christ followers.

1. We Need To Learn To Listen Better. Talk Less. Keep your opinions silent. Everyone has an opinion, but it doesn't mean all opinions are meant to be spoken.

2. Don’t Label. Using terms to put people into boxes is generally offensive to people. We are all people, let’s stop making neat little categories for each other.

3. Don’t Be So Smart. No body loves a know it all. These people personally drive me nuts. Don’t pretend to have all the answers. If you are not sure, just say so. We have a saying around here “We don’t have all the answers, but we believe in a God who does.

4. Put Yourself In Other Peoples Shoes. People generally just want other people to understand what they have gone through. This allows for a better connection point.

5. Fight The Three Second Rule. Within 3 seconds people form their first impressions and don't give a fare chance to get to know the person who we are looking at.